
Preview of reference

Okříšky, RD

Location: Masarykova 557, Okříšky
Country: Czech republic
Platform´s type: CPM 300 (CPM 225) sloping staircase platform


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Měchenice, RD

Location: Sloupecká 233, Měchenice
Country: Czech republic
Platform´s type: VPM 250 (VP 100) vertical platform


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Vyškov, Sociální služby

Location: Čtvrtníčkova 1/114, Vyškov
Country: Czech republic
Platform´s type: CPM 300 (CPM 225) sloping staircase platform


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Slapy, RD

Location: Slapy 35, Slapy
Country: Czech republic
Platform´s type: VPM 250 (VP 100) vertical platform


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Levoča, RD

Location: Ždiarska 2, Levoča
Country: Slovakia
Platform´s type: VPM 250 (VP 100) vertical platform


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Karlovice, RD

Location: Karlovice 256, Karlovice
Country: Czech republic
Platform´s type: IPM 300 sloping staircase platform


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Brno, BD

Location: Pekařská 86, Brno
Country: Czech republic
Platform´s type: VPM 250 (VP 100) vertical platform


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Sušice, BD

Location: Sirkařská 2, Sušice
Country: Czech republic
Platform´s type: Ocelové rampy


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Studénky, RD

Location: Studénky 5, Puklice
Country: Czech republic
Platform´s type: VPM 250 (VP 100) vertical platform


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Litultovice, Obecní dům

Location: Litultovice 51, Litultovice
Country: Czech republic
Platform´s type: IPM 300 sloping staircase platform


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Dobrá 784, RD

Location: Dobrá 784, Dobrá
Country: Czech republic
Platform´s type: CPM 300 (CPM 225) sloping staircase platform


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Praha, ÚJOP

Location: Weilova 2, Praha
Country: Czech republic
Platform´s type: VPM 250 (VP 100) vertical platform


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